Bangor, Wisconsin, is a charming rural village nestled within the state's scenic Driftless Area. As of the 2020 census, this quaint community is home to approximately 1,500 residents who enjoy a peaceful, close-knit lifestyle. Known for its rich agriculture, Bangor is set amid lush, rolling hills, farms, and pastures, offering stunning natural beauty. Despite its small size, Bangor has a robust local economy rooted in farming and local businesses, and offers easy access to larger, urban centers through its ideal location on the interstate highway. The village prides itself on its welcoming community spirit, family-friendly environment, and high-quality schools, which together symbolizes true small-town Midwestern charm.
Coulee Auto Sales is Bangor's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 1411 Rose St., La Crosse, WI 54603.